REVIEW Marie France Bodyline Pro-Freeze slimming treatment

The pursuit of a svelte figure is never ending. Even when one is slim and within healthy range, one may have muffin top or love handles sticking out from the top of one's shorts or pants which ruins the total look. Here's one series of treatment that helps to reduce fats in a healthier manner through tying up with nutritional consultations from Marie France Bodyline.

REVIEW: HK celebrity Angela Tong's
In September, HK celebrity Angela Tong revealed her new-found, post-natal figure at the launch of Marie France Bodyline slimming treatment Pro-Freeze. Tong shed 11 kg within three months of customised Marie France Bodyline treatments as well as a sensible and balanced nutritional plan. Sharing her amazing weight-loss journey to more than 30 media who attended the media launch Tong expressed that the weight loss has been life changing, leaving her with renewed energy and healthier to enjoy every moment of her new roles – both as a mother and as the celebrity spokesperson for Marie France Bodyline in Singapore, Hong Kong and Malaysia.

REVIEW: Wee Ping's

I had done Cool Freeze on my tummy last year, from which I soon saw a flatter tummy in a couple of months, so for Pro-Freeze, I chose another area which would not be affected by my digestion or food cravings, my flabby arms. However, I soon found out upon arriving at Marie France that another treatment would be suitable for toning the arms, hence the final decision ended with freezing the fats at the back of my flabby thighs with Pro-Freeze.

This slimming treatment is one of the most comprehensive I’ve tried as Marie France believes that slimming should be done in view of keeping the whole body healthy, not simply for aesthetics purposes. It includes a consultation with a nutritionist who does various tests such as measuring where the fats and water retention are other than basing the judgment on BMI. I’m surprised that there’s also a check on body nutritional composition and my body is found to lack minerals.
After that session, a qualified therapist went through the test results before confirming suitability of area to be treated. One of the criteria required for Freeze Pro is that the area to be treated must have the minimum amount of fats. Interestingly, we found out that my right thigh is 1mm slimmer than my left during the assessment.

Thick towels are used to cover the legs during the treatment
The treatment takes about 45 to 60 minutes, means I lay on my front for as long the whole time. The machine requires a very cold gel pad to be placed on the area of treatment, after which the probe is fixed over the gel pad before the machine is switched on. I could feel a powerful suction from the probe through the cold gel pad and a cooling sensation at the initial five minutes from the start of the treatment. With the slight difference of thigh measurement, the treatment settings for both thighs differ accordingly too; hence the suction rhythm from the probe on each thigh differs slightly. However, this does not rob me of having a restful time as I dozed off halfway through the treatment. The redness on the thigh that results from the treatment subsided after a massage and eventually disappeared one hour later. The lump (frozen fats) on the treated area subsided by the fourth day.
How Does Pro-Freeze Work?
It is a fat-freezing technology known as Cryolipolysis, which removes unwanted fat cells through freezing. Pro-Freeze ‘freezes’ away the fat bulges with targeted cooling to safely ‘kill’ the fat cells by cooling it without harming the surrounding tissues.

Fat cells exposed to an extreme cold temperature of -3 degrees Celsius become ‘frozen’ and eventually degenerate and ‘die’ (a process called adipocyte apoptosis). The body metabolism then eliminates these degenerated fat cells through bodily wastes.  This is the reason one has to be adequately hydrated a few days before and after the treatment to ensure efficient drainage of toxins and the dispersed fats and the success of the treatment. Pro Freeze permanently removes up to 25 per cent of unwanted fat in a single treatment session, thereby reducing the thickness of the fat layer.

An alternative to liposuction, Pro-Freeze is effective in treating problem areas such as the tummy, waist (love handles), hips (saddle backs) and inner thighs. Visible result in loss of fat can be seen just three weeks following the treatment, with more significant results shown between three to six months.

Who should not try this treatment?
Those with major serious illness (e.g. cancer, liver disease, heart disease and diabetes); get rashes when exposes to extreme coldness; have just done fat-removal treatments or treatments that causes fat cells to “die” within last two months (e.g. Cryolipolysis, Ultrasonic Cavitation and Liposuction); or are pregnant, are not suitable.

One month later, I was back at Marie France to access the results of my Freeze Pro trial, but the results were not conclusive as the staff had not made an initial measurement of the circumference of my things. However, the fat analysis done that day reveals that although I had a weight gain, my fat percentage had dipped. A change of dinner choice was recommended* (please see chart in blue below)
Though these sessions, it shows that such slimming treatments have to work hand in hand with daily lifestyle habits such as a healthy diet and exercise regime. The treatments alone produce limited results. Hence if you are considering slimming treatment, note that it takes more than one session to see results (on a case by case basis).

Fat Analysis* (done one month later)
Mass went up from 59.6kg to 60.3kg
Fat percentage dipped slightly from 35 to 34.8
Water mass went up from 38.6 to 39.3
The nutritionist went through what my typical day’s meals constitute and we concluded that my fried rice or hor fun dinner is fattenin. Both are rich in carbohydrate and oil,and low in nutrition.
The recommended meal changes given:

  1. White rice with side dishes
According to the nutritionist, white rice although low in nutrition is still healthier than oily fried rice. Among the dishes to consume with rice, she recommends, that women consume broccoli every week. Apparently, broccoli is a superfood with 150% of one’s recommended daily intake of vitamin C, and also rich in vitamins A, K and B-complex, zinc, phosphorous and phyto-nutrients. These phyto-nutrients are found to lower the risk of developing diabetes, heart disease, osteoarthritis and certain cancers. (ref USDA’s Agricultural Research Service)
  1. Noodle soup
Noodle in clear soup is obviously less fattening than oily stir-fried hor fan, and therefore healthier.

Pro-Freeze is available at Marie France Bodyline Singapore. For details call 1800-7777-111.

Update 2 months on: As the full results are seen 2 months after the treatment, I can see that the area that was treated is not flabby, neither does it bulge out like before, even though I've put on 1 kg and my inner thigh is getting flabbier from lack of thigh toning exercises. However, it is good to be reminded that it usually takes a few sessions and sometimes a combination of leg slimming treatments, as well as disciplined lifestyle like incorporating targetted toning exercise and right diet to see results sooner. It is obvious why the treatment is targetted. You should give it a shot.
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  1. My tip for fat loss without exercise is simple as i just use blue fat freeze system at home to get rid of unwanted body fats. It's a high end UBL backed neoprene wrap that you put over the fatty part of the body which freezes the fat under the skin with the help of dual action gel packs.

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